Hello! Today I will write about Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta located in the highest area of ​​the Nahuelbuta mountain range, in the Province of Malleco, Araucanía. I visited this park with my dad in 2019 and it was a very nice experience. The road was long, I don't remember much how long it took us, maybe an hour or more, we stopped many times to take photos, eat, talk or just be there. The number of native trees and vegetation was impressive. There were huge trees, probably the biggest I have ever seen, there were many araucarias and the paths that there are take you almost to the top of them.

I think it is a nice experience to connect with nature and forget about the city. Here there are no car noises, no machine noises or shouts, it is a very quiet environment, only the noise of the wind, the leaves and the many birds. We were lucky that we had a very nice day, with sun but not enough to be bothersome or a hard hike, there were some clouds and when we reached the top the view was beautifully clear.

Here my dad wanted to take a lot of photos of me, he is quite an artist although he doesn't recognize it haha.

We took photos above the clouds, the place where we were looked like something out of a movie, it had never been so high. 

There weren't many people so we could walk around the entire top and see the different views. We also ate what we had brought and after a while we decided to go down before it got dark.

I highly recommend going to this park and doing the route on foot, it is a very well-kept, clean and beautiful park due to its nature.


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