Today I am going to write about my little sister. Maria Jesus. She was always the youngest in the family, today she is 16 years old but I feel like she is still a baby. I met her when she was less than two years old because her father married my mother a long time ago. She was always a very special girl, as a child she seemed to not need anyone's help, she always wanted to walk alone and run ahead of time. She always made jokes and liked to scare my other sister (older than her). Despite her hobby of scaring people behind the door, she has always been a very kind and attentive girl with everyone, she has an artistic soul, she really likes animals, she is very sensitive, on all his birthdays she cries with emotion and when he found out that I was pregnant, she cried, hugging me with happiness since she had always wanted to have a niece and she would no longer be the smallest in the family. She is very affectionate with my daughter and she adores her, I think they both look very similar... Maybe because they are both Libra zodiac signs! Haha

I hope that when she gets older he continues to develop here artistic side because she really is very talented.

One of here favorite hobbies currently is making figures of characters or animals that she likes, with the materials she has. The last thing he gave me for my birthday was a figure of Coraline, my favorite animated character. She is also very good at making her own clothes, she sews and repairs clothes. 

I miss her a lot, we live 500 km away but we are always talking on WhatsApp and she sends me videos on Tik Tok or Instagram every day and I love it. 


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