My first experience with the English language was at school, like most of the children. I remember that the first thing I learned in English classes was to say hello and say goodbye. I remember that I arrived when I was 6 years old and I didn't know what goodbye meant and I was surprised that some of my classmates did. At first I found it complicated because at school they teach it almost like a mathematical formula that you have to follow. But later when I grew up and listened to songs and watched movies, I was able to better relate some words and, above all, understand real conversations. I think it is common when watching a movie, one is left thinking about some conversations in English, I think that is a good way to practice, thinking in English or "talking to yourself" in English.

I have fun in English classes when we have the opportunity to talk with our classmates, I think that one does not have so much pressure to do well, one can practice what one knows and learn by making mistakes. I think it is super useful to practice on travel occasions, one is forced to communicate, especially in countries that only speak English, and trying to have a conversation in English can help you find places, help or simply enjoy. 

Finally, since I was little I have wanted to know England, I find the city interesting, and the accent of the language sometimes makes me laugh.


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