When I was little and a teenager I used to read a lot, my dad was the one who encouraged me to read. My favorite books are still the ones I read when I was little, I suppose I have a special affection for them because of the time and the memories they bring me, also because I remember what they made me feel when I read them. Currently I only read books and texts for university, which I also find interesting, but novels will continue to be my favorites. My favorite book when I was little was "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" which tells the story of a girl with leukemia in the context of the Hiroshima bomb in Japan. I always liked how they told the story and how curious the protagonist was. despite what was happening to him and the legend behind it with the cranes. Another book that I really liked when I grew up was "Chronicles of a Death Foretold" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it was a book that entertained me a lot and I found it very interesting how it was written and the attention it managed to capture.


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